Walking for Exercise

Walking is one of the most fundamentally human activities, and for most of us is something we have all been doing for a very long time. It is also something that we as modern humans do not do enough of . Sedentary lifestyles, office jobs and bad weather keeps us inside and sitting. We often […]

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Do I Need a Referral to Come to PT?

Maine is a direct access state, but what does that mean? In the state of Maine you can come see a physical therapist without a referral from your medical provider first, you can “self refer”. This means that if you rolled your ankle while hiking over the weekend, you can call a physical therapy office […]

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Staying Healthy on the Pickleball Court

Pickleball is becoming a popular form of activity among groups of all ages. It is the perfect sport to engage in, as even in the state of Maine, you can participate year-round. As with any recreational activity, there is always risk of injury and the following are some helpful hints to help you stay healthy […]

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