Managing Lateral Epicondylitis at Advanced Physical Therapy

Lateral Epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition caused by overuse of the wrist and forearm muscle and tendons on the outside of your arm. It can sometimes be referred to as tendonitis or even tendinosis. Despite its name it isn’t exclusively caused by intense tennis matches. Any repetitive motion involving bending […]

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Get Ready for Ski Season!

The leaves are starting to fall, the mornings are becoming crisp, and it’s almost that time to turn on the heat. With the cooler evenings, Ski Mountains are prepping for the winter season, Sunday River turned on and tested their snow guns last week, ski season is coming!

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Home Exercise Program

Home Exercise Program-Your Role in Your Own Recovery Physical Therapy can be a great option for treating both chronic and traumatic injuries. Physical therapists train for years in order to give our patients the best care possible. However…. physical therapists cannot improve your strength and mobility alone, we need your help and commitment too. All […]

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